The latest piece of nonsense to hit my email in-box claims to be a response to the "collection of resources" on It's asking me to link to an article about PowerPoint on someone else's website. Now, I'm not going to argue that there's many a fine resource at
The Fonecast, mainly because I wrote many of them myself, but I fear there's been a spot of cutting-and-pasting going on.
Google the phrase "
I really appreciate your collection of resources on the..." and I found loads of very similar messages about a wide cross-section of sites. Along with "
I know this article would be a great addition to your information".
What's particularly curious about today's message is that the sender went to the trouble of finding my personal email address and using my name (which isn't part of that email address).
It follows a message on Tuesday from someone who wrote "it's always a great pleasure to read your articles and I have subsequently become a loyal reader". I'm
not the first person to receive this type of message... but, again, there was an element of targeting.
Which, all things considered, I find slightly depressing.